Idea List: Why Bother with Seminary?
September 2001

“Idea List: Why Bother with Seminary?” New Era, Sept. 2001, 33

Idea List:

Why Bother with Seminary?

Life is stressful enough with school, social pressures, and family responsibilities to juggle every day, so why bother with seminary?

There are lots of reasons. In fact, sticking with seminary might just be one of the smartest things you ever do. Here are just a few of the potential rewards waiting for those who make seminary a part of their daily schedule this school year.

Testimony. A personal testimony of the restored Church and the Savior’s divine mission is the most valuable knowledge you can gain in this life.

Good friends. You’ll get to know other youth from your area who share your beliefs and standards.

Blessings from obedience. You’ll gain great peace knowing you’re doing what your Heavenly Father wants you to do.

Scripture mastery. With a little work, you can learn and understand the scriptures. Through the scriptures, you can come to know the Savior better.

Inspiration. A daily dose of spirituality can open and enlighten your understanding, maybe just when you need it most.

Rest. Leave your earthly cares in your locker for an hour. When you’re through, your mind will feel clearer.

Spiritual confidence. With a little study, you’ll feel more comfortable discussing gospel topics. You’ll also find it easier to answer questions from friends.

Missionary preparedness. In just a few years, you’ll be ready to teach the gospel on your own. Soak it in now—you’ll thank yourself later.

Gospel knowledge. There’s so much to learn, from Adam and Eve to Lehi’s dream and Joseph Smith’s First Vision.

Photography by Jerry Garns
