undefined undefined Reader’s Guide
Reader’s Guide
September 2001

“Reader’s Guide,” New Era, Sept. 2001, 49

Reader’s Guide

Creative ideas for using this issue of the New Era.

Personal Improvement

  • Read Elder M. Russell Ballard’s article on page 4, “Follow the Prophet.” Review President Gordon B. Hinckley’s list of the six Bs. Write them on a card. Keep the card in your locker or book bag where you’ll see it often.

  • Read the Idea List on page 33. If you haven’t already enrolled in seminary for this year, do it today!

Leadership Tip

  • Bishop Richard C. Edgley’s article, “Satan’s Bag of Snipes” on page 20, talks about the pitfalls of worldly activities. At your next presidency meeting, identify two or three of the things you feel your class or quorum is struggling with; then plan a month’s worth of activities designed to help your class members overcome these temptations. Focus on choosing uplifting entertainment, dating standards, or keeping the Word of Wisdom.

Young Men and Young Women Activity Idea

  • Have an old-fashioned talent show. In addition to musical numbers and skits, display artwork, sewing, and woodworking creations from youth in the ward. Serve homemade refreshments made by a budding chef. If you have the time, you may also want to have a poetry or essay reading. This might be a fun evening to invite parents and siblings to attend.

Laurel Value Project

  • Planning a family reunion is an ambitious undertaking, but since reunions generally take place in the summer months, starting now will give you plenty of time. Read “Ray Roundup” on page 30 for tips. If you’re overwhelmed planning a whole reunion, ask the family member coordinating the reunion for an important assignment. Do you have cousins who are also Laurels? Consider splitting up the work.

Seminary Devotional

  • Arrive early and place a piece of paper and pencil on each desk. Once everyone arrives, tell them to imagine they are riding in an airplane that just blew its final engine. They have only two or three minutes before the plane will crash, and there will be no survivors. Invite your classmates to write a letter to their family and friends. Encourage them to include the things which are most important to them. After the allotted time, collect the letters and tear them up one by one. Ask the class members how they felt when the things they had written, intended for their loved ones left behind, were destroyed. Explain that the Lord and His prophets who wrote and prepared the scriptures are distressed when we ignore their words. Share 2 Nephi 4:15 and stress the importance of scripture study.