Reader’s Guide
March 2002

“Reader’s Guide,” New Era, Mar. 2002, 49

Reader’s Guide

Young Men and Young Women Activity Ideas

  • The Q&A question (page 16) this month talks about ways to comfortably share the gospel with friends. Invite the ward mission leader to give a short presentation on how you can be a better member-missionary. Plan to have some free time at the end of the evening to practice his suggestions.

  • With general conference coming up, now’s a good time to recap what we learned last conference. Select five or six talks and distribute copies a few weeks in advance of your activity. Have everyone read them. Divide into teams to see who is most familiar with the messages in the talks. Don’t forget prizes for the winners. See the Idea List on page 15 for other ideas about preparing for conference.

Personal Improvement

  • “Be Grateful” focuses on the first of President Hinckley’s six B’s (page 36). Tonight, try saying a prayer of gratitude, one in which you don’t ask for anything but simply express your appreciation to Heavenly Father for all He has given you. Read Luke 17:11–19.

  • Are you always ready and willing to participate in family prayer? Make a personal goal to cheerfully come when you’re called to pray with your family. Read “Thanks, Candace” on page 32 for inspiration.

Value Project

• Music can have a great effect on your thoughts and mood. In “Out of This World” on page 26, the author tells how listening to a wonderful song helped her feel encouraged and comforted. Go through your music collection and choose to listen to music that has positive lyrics and uplifting melodies. Report to your parents or Church leaders how choosing this kind of music made you feel.

Family Home Evening Ideas

• In “They’re Not Really Happy” on page 28, Elder Pace gives examples of worldly counterfeits for true happiness. Together as a family, make a list of goals that will bring the family real joy. Then choose one or two of the goals to work on, and outline a plan for how those goals will be achieved. Discuss John 14:27.

Seminary Devotional

• Bring 10 small pieces of candy or 10 small cookies to class. Ask one person to come forward. Give all 10 of the items to that person. Then ask if you can have one of the items back. Explain that this is all that the Lord asks of us. After He has given us everything, He only asks a tenth be returned. Read an excerpt from President Kimball’s article on page 42. You may want to bring additional treats for the whole class to remind them of the sweet blessings of paying tithing.
