We’ve Got Mail
May 2002

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, May 2002, 50

We’ve Got Mail

On the dot

I am writing in regards to the September 2001 issue. “Beauty Tips” by Sheralee Bills was so on the dot. I believe a lot of young women are battling these issues every moment of every day. I even fought with the same thoughts. There is so much pressure in the world on outside beauty. I know that many times my parents and other Church members were quick to tell me what they thought, which made me feel like I had to defend myself. Yet the only thing I wanted was to be somewhat understood. Thanks for this article.

Sara Nelson
St. George, Utah (via e-mail)

She realized

I would like to thank you so much for publishing “Beauty Tips” (Sept. 2001). It helped me realize that even if I don’t feel beautiful, my spirit is, and that some people are beautiful in ways you can’t see. The New Era has been an inspiration to me in the past few years, and I just wanted to thank you for helping youth who need help and guidance.

Sara Simmons
Lexington, Kentucky (via e-mail)

Make them more valuable

I’m really thankful for the article about the do’s of dating in the November 2000 issue. I’m very glad for this article, and now I know how to make the Young Women values more valuable in my life. Let us all remember to project our values in our life and not forget to make a good date.

Dian R. Chandra
Surabaya, Indonesia (via e-mail)

More pictures

I enjoy the New Era for its inspiring messages. But there is one problem I would like to address. Since this is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I think the New Era ought to include more pictures of Christ. Having just completed a Laurel project involving pictures of Christ, I realize how important and inspiring these great works of art can be. I believe that the greatest comfort a person can have is the knowledge that Christ loves us and is always there when we need Him.

Lauren Layton
Newark, Delaware (via e-mail)

Every Sunday

Thank you for being a light in my life. Every Sunday my mom has us read one article from the New Era. I very much enjoyed the September 2001 issue. “Ray Roundup” was my favorite. Thanks a lot.

Becky Haput
Danville, California

Big change

I really want to thank you for the article “Just Hanging Out” in the August 2001 New Era. It has made a big change in my life. Before, my friends and I would just hang out and watch movies and stuff, like the guy in the article. Now we plan things to do like go to a movie or go bowling, and we make sure there’s a parent around when there needs to be. We always obey our curfews and get out of uncomfortable situations. I now have so much more fun thanks to the difference the New Era has made in my life.

Justin Beckett
Maple Valley, Washington (via e-mail)


I love the stories you put in the New Era. They are so awesome. When I read them I always feel the Spirit. I love reading the magazine before I go to sleep because it makes me have good dreams. If I had it my way, I would have the New Era come out daily.

Sariah Biere
Vancouver, Washington
