We’ve Got Mail
June 2002

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, June 2002, 50

We’ve Got Mail

Lead me, guide me

Thank you so much! The New Era is a great inspiration to my life. The article “Lead Me, Guide Me” in the November 2001 issue really helped me. I especially liked the part under the topic “A powerful guide.” It was about a girl who moved and couldn’t find friends, yet the Holy Ghost was there for her and she found some new friends. I really liked that part. I just moved, and I am soon going to have to change schools and leave all my friends. I have friends in my new ward but that’s it. Thanks for always publishing a great magazine every month.

Noelle Patterson
Queen Creek, Arizona (via e-mail)

All big helps

I have been reading the New Era for a couple of months now. It really does help and inspire me. So many articles from the magazine help me keep my testimony strong and walk in Jesus’ footprints. I am so thankful for the scriptures, my family, friends, teachers, and the sister missionaries in my ward. They help me so much. I am thankful our church has a teen magazine that, along with other things, helps me attain my goals.

Chase Barlet
Denver, Colorado (via e-mail)

No fiction, no fluke

I thought it was a fluke in the October New Era, but now the November issue arrives and once again no fiction. Sure, the magazine is still great. But it is now less great. The fiction stories, whether by Jack Weyland (he’s the best) or whomever, always hit home. They were well-crafted, and at least by my family, well-read. It is very disappointing. Please, bring back the fiction. Where else can we get it?

Par Rasmusson
Winsted, Connecticut (via e-mail)

Offensive dating

I was a bit offended by the article “I Broke My Promise” in the October 2001 New Era. It was a wonderful story about keeping promises, but it seemed as though it promoted only dating Mormons, meaning there are probably many nice guys losing dates now just because of their religion. And I don’t think that’s all too fair. Our religion teaches us not to judge. We should date people because of their respect, their standards, and their kindness, not their religion. I would appreciate it if you would try not to print articles that would be offensive to other faiths so that when someone of another faith reads this magazine they will not think we are judgmental or that we think everyone who is not a Mormon does bad things.

Christina Barrus
Bountiful, Utah

Cleared things up

For many years I have read the Church magazines. When I was younger, there was a desperate scramble every month to see who among my family would get to read the Friend first. Now I look forward to reading the New Era every month. One special issue in June 2000 focused on missionaries. That was perfect for me. Before reading the articles I had only a vague idea of what occurs at the Missionary Training Center. That magazine made mission preparation clearer to me and much less intimidating. I also play the piano, and I really enjoy the music that is included in the New Era. I only wish there were a song in every issue.

Laura Packer
Kirtland, Ohio
