Of All Things
July 2002

“Of All Things,” New Era, July 2002, 42

Of All Things

Write Away!

The New Era wants to hear your Mutual success stories. Write and tell us about great ideas that have worked for your ward’s Mutual activities so we can share them with others. Send your submissions to:

New Era

50 East North Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah, 84150

¿Se Habla Español?

When the U.S. Army came to Puerto Maldonado, Perú, it brought doctors, medicine, and other medical help for residents of the area. Communicating with the people the Army was trying to diagnose and treat, however, was trickier than pulling teeth (which they also did). So missionaries from the Perú Lima Central Mission, with permission from their mission president, volunteered to play a key role translating between the Army and its patients. More than 8,000 residents received the medical aid they needed at the Army’s health clinic over a 10-day period.

The Book of Commandments

The Book of Commandments, published in 1833, was much like our modern-day Doctrine and Covenants, except it included fewer revelations. The Prophet Joseph Smith had received more than 60 revelations for the Church, and they were recorded, but only a few people had access to them. A conference was held in the office of the Evening and Morning Star at Independence, Missouri, on May 29, 1832 to dedicate the printing establishment. Bishop Edward Partridge offered the dedicatory prayer (see Journal History, May 29, 1832). With the establishment of a printing press, it was possible to publish the revelations so more of the Saints could have access to them.

On July 20, 1833, during the printing of the Book of Commandments, mobs trying to force the Saints out of Missouri demolished the printing press. The mob nearly destroyed all the unbound sheets of the Book of Commandments that had been printed. Fortunately, Caroline and Mary Elizabeth Rollins, sisters who were 12 and 14, saved some of the unbound sheets that they saw the mob throw on the ground outside the printing office. They grabbed as many of the sheets as they could and ran, escaping from the mob through a gap in a fence and running into a cornfield. Later, the saved copies were bound, and each of the girls received her own copy of the Book of Commandments.

The Faith of the Pioneers

It is good to look to the past to gain appreciation for the present and perspective for the future. It is good to look upon the virtues of those who have gone before, to gain strength for whatever lies ahead. … Their tremendous example can become a compelling motivation for us all, for each of us is a pioneer in his own life, often in his own family, and many of us pioneer daily in trying to establish a gospel foothold in distant parts of the world” (Ensign, July 1984, 3).—President Gordon B. Hinckley

Leadership Tip:

“Jesus believed in His followers, not alone for what they were, but for what they had the possibilities to become. While others would have seen Peter as a fisherman, Jesus could see him as a powerful religious leader” (Ensign, Aug. 1979, 6).—Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985)

As a leader you can inspire those around you to be better. Expect people to do good things, believe in them, and help them to accomplish their righteous goals.


A new Web site from LDS Family Services provides valuable help for unwed birth parents. The site, www.ItsAboutLove.org, offers information about how to contact LDS Family Services and how it can help make important decisions about an unplanned pregnancy.

LDS Family Services gives free and private counseling services, helps birth parents place their children for adoption, and provides education, among other services. To find out more about LDS Family Services read “What’s Best for My Baby” (New Era, Nov. 2001, 40) or log onto www.ItsAboutLove.org to see the LDS Family Services Web site.

Painting Saving the Book of Commandments by Clark Kelley Price

Painting Entering Winter Quarters by Scott Snow

Painting Christ Calling Peter and Andrew by Harry Anderson
