We’ve Got Mail
July 2002

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, July 2002, 50

We’ve Got Mail

Keeping modesty in mind

Thank you so much for sharing the experience of the Red Bridge Young Women and its Evaluate project (Jan. ’02). I have gone shopping with my mom searching for a prom dress for my sister and know what a hassle it can be. Now that I’m looking for a prom dress, I will keep modesty in mind. Thanks for the inspiration to aspire higher and to not settle for something less modest.

Katie Hickman
Phoenix, Arizona (via e-mail)

Differences in magazines

I am a sophomore in high school who loves to read the New Era. I took a clothing class this last semester. We had to look through many magazines, and then cut out different styles of clothing for different assignments. I was very appalled by some of the clothing I saw. I love the New Era because I don’t have to see all the immodest clothes and read the vulgar language that is so popular in the world. I also love reading Questions and Answers because I can relate to the questions. Thank you for being here for me and the other youth in the Church.

Jessica Moore
Thermopolis, Wyoming

Can’t we have both?

I love the New Era! I’m upset, though, that you replaced the fiction stories each month with classic stories. Can’t we have them both?

Hannah Saxton
Krum, Texas

Reverse this decision

I am writing to express my disappointment concerning the apparent elimination of the fiction stories each month in the New Era. As far as I can tell, there has been no explanation of this elimination. I believe Church-related fiction helps young people to better understand the principles of the gospel. I would strongly encourage you to review this decision and reverse it.

Michael R. Gosnell
Crestwood, Kentucky

An important article

Thank you so much for your article in Questions and Answers (Jan. ’02). It talked about what to do if you sometimes feel sad and unhappy, and it also gave some great advice on what to do if you feel “overwhelmingly sad all the time.” It said to tell a trusted adult who will be able to get you some professional help. My 16-year-old son sadly ended his life last year. Our son was a nice, shy, worthy priesthood holder who was active in the Church. He didn’t tell anyone how sad he was feeling, and we didn’t recognize the subtle signs we now know were caused by depression. Instead, we brushed them off as him just going through the teenage years. We later learned that untreated depression is the number-one cause of suicide. The organs of our bodies, like our hearts, lungs, or kidneys, can become ill. We sometimes don’t realize that another organ, the brain, can also become ill. Depression is a chemical imbalance of the brain that can usually be successfully treated with medication and therapy. Maybe if our son would have read your article he would have received the courage he needed to ask for help. I hope there is someone out there who reads this article and then asks an adult for help.

Stacy Hone
Payson, Utah (via e-mail)
