Of All Things
October 2002

“Of All Things,” New Era, Oct. 2002, 33

Of All Things

“Friendships cannot endure if they are based on the sands of selfishness.”
(Improvement Era, Dec. 1967, 46)
—President Howard W. Hunter (1907–95)

Love at Home

Monday nights were set aside as the official night for family home evening in October of 1970, but the Church’s family home evening program has been around since 1915, when it was instituted by President Joseph F. Smith.

When President Smith started the program, he promised that love in our homes would increase if we would have family home evening. “Faith will be developed in the hearts of the youth of Israel,” he said, “and they will gain power to combat the evil influence and temptations which beset them” (Messages of the First Presidency, 4:339). Make a goal this month to contribute to the lessons and activities in your home as much as you can.

The First Bishop

Edward Partridge was the first Presiding Bishop of the Restored Church. Born in 1793, he became dissatisfied with the religions of his day when he was in his twenties. And, in 1830, after investigating the Church, he was baptized by the Prophet Joseph Smith. The Prophet said of Edward, “he was a pattern of piety, and one of the Lord’s great men, known by his steadfastness and patient endurance to the end” (“History of Joseph Smith,” Times and Seasons, 15 Sept. 1843, vol. 4, 320).

Edward became the Presiding Bishop of the Church less than two months after his baptism, and he certainly needed the “patient endurance” mentioned by the Prophet Joseph. He and his family were harshly persecuted by the mobs in Missouri and then in Nauvoo. On one occasion he was dragged from his home and tarred and feathered by a mob of more than 200 men. But Bishop Partridge’s faith carried him through his trials.

The bishop died when he became very ill in Nauvoo. He was only 46. Of Edward Partridge, the Lord said, “his heart is pure before me, for he is like unto Nathanael of old, in whom there is no guile” (D&C 41:11). And in the Doctrine and Covenants we learn that the Lord received Edward Partridge unto himself (see D&C 124:19).

Holiday Magic

Isn’t it amazing how you magically weigh a few pounds extra after New Year’s Day? Well, not so magical when you remember the approximately 50 pounds of cakes, candies, and other holiday treats you’ve been eating for the previous two or three months.

With the holiday season fast approaching, now might be the perfect time to resolve to practice moderation and to stay fit over the next few months. It’s a lot easier and healthier to stay away from excessive amounts of the unhealthy foods that abound during the holiday season than to try to make those extra pounds disappear after New Year’s Day. Alakazam!

Leadership Tip

Get organized. A notebook or calendar is a great way to keep track of what you’re supposed to be doing and where you’re supposed to be. If you’re having trouble doing all you need to do, remember to delegate. If you’re unsure of what you’re supposed to be doing to fulfill your calling, talk to one of your leaders.

Write Away!

We want to hear your true stories about how your family has helped you stay close to the gospel and the Savior, or about how you and your family overcome challenges together. Please send your submissions to:

New Era

50 East North Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah 84150


