Idea List: Secret Service
February 2003

“Idea List: Secret Service,” New Era, Feb. 2003, 27

Idea List:

Secret Service

You probably already know the thrill that comes from doing something for someone else, especially when your service is anonymous. The Savior encouraged us to “let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth” when we give to others (Matt. 6:3). Of course it is not always possible for service to be anonymous, but here are some secret service ideas for you to try out.

  • Wake up early and wash your family’s and neighbors’ cars.

  • If you are able, donate blood to a local blood bank.

  • If the missionaries in your area live in an apartment where this is possible, make cookies and leave them on their doorstep with a thank-you note.

  • Pick up trash in the park, at school, or as you walk along the sidewalk.

  • Wash the dishes, vacuum, or do something that needs to be done around the house while your parents are out.

  • Send an anonymous valentine to someone you think might need one this month.

  • Shovel snow or rake leaves for people in your neighborhood who might need help. If you do it while they are at work or on vacation, you’re less likely to get caught.

  • Organize a food or clothing drive in your neighborhood, and donate the items you collect to a local shelter.

  • Do something nice for your siblings. You could clean their room, or just write them a note of encouragement telling them someone loves them.

  • Pray for those who you know need a little extra help.

  • Finally, you know best what you can do in your situation. If you see someone who needs help, or something that needs to be done, try to fill that need the best you can. Keep your eyes open for secret service opportunities.

Photography by Steve Bunderson
