What’s in It for You
February 2003

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, Feb. 2003, 49

What’s in It for You

Young Men and Young Women Activity Ideas

  • Choose a favorite quote or two from President Spencer W. Kimball’s article, “The Angels May Quote from It,” (page 32) to share with your class or quorum. You may demonstrate ways to take an inexpensive notebook and art supplies to make personalized journals. Encourage everyone to make a personal journal entry that night.

  • Being baptized for the dead is a wonderful experience (see “Birthday Temple Trip” on page 28). Ask several young men or young women to give short presentations to the group on an ancestor who has had his or her temple work done. Under the direction of your bishop and leaders, begin planning a temple trip in the near future to do baptisms. Challenge youth to bring family names, if possible.

Leadership Tip

  • Are there members of your class or quorum who need “nurturing with the good word of God”? Read “Reach Out” by President Gordon B. Hinckley on page 4 at your next class or quorum presidency meeting, then consider ways to actively include every member of your group. Pay special attention to those who are new converts.

Seminary Devotional Idea

  • Are students in your seminary class having trouble arriving on time? Bring an alarm clock to class and set it for the exact time class should start. Ask students how many were there to hear it go off. Then share an excerpt from “Wake-Up Call” on page 42 for a reminder of the importance of seminary. Discuss ways students can consistently arrive on time to get the most out of class.

Family Home Evening Ideas

  • Is your family facing what seems to be an impossible problem? Read “Do You Need a Miracle?” on page 12 for suggestions on ways to work miracles in your family. Read and discuss Mormon 9:19 together.

  • Who would you most like to hear bear their testimony? How about someone in your family? Read “A Light in the Darkness” on page 11, and discuss the important elements of a testimony as a family. Ask your parents if your family could hold a family testimony meeting.

Personal Improvement

  • In “Count on Maurice” (page 20), Maurice Navarro uses his talents in mathematics to help others. Identify one talent you have that might benefit others and set a goal to share it five times in one week. Remember, talents come in all varieties and could be something simple, like giving others a friendly smile.

  • You may not be able to put your name in the actual cornerstone of the San Diego California Temple, like the author did in “Worth the Wait” on page 46, but you can focus on living worthy of temple marriage. Make your own cornerstone promise by placing your name and a promise to be sealed there behind a picture of a temple you love. Place the picture where you’ll see it often to remind you of your goal.

Photography by Christina Smith
