We’ve Got Mail
March 2003

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Mar. 2003, 50

We’ve Got Mail

Why Reverence?

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the article “Will A Man Rob God?” (March 2002). Lately I’ve been struggling a little about why the Lord expects so much reverence and everything, and the dialogue between the author and his friend about how he obtained his land helped me realize it.
Leila Watts
Coon Rapids, Minnesota (via e-mail)

Could Not Wait

Thank you so much for all you do with this magazine. I could not wait until I turned 12 because I was so excited about subscribing to the New Era. I am always looking forward to receiving it in the mail every month. Thank you for all the wonderful stories. They get me thinking about which path I want to take to return to my Father in Heaven.
Kassidy Hill
Las Vegas, Nevada

Those Who Didn’t Go

I was just reading the February 2002 issue of the New Era, and the Q&A part about missions really offended me. I don’t want to be rude or anything, but do you know how awful that makes men who didn’t go on missions feel? My dad and grandpa are wonderful men who are awesome leaders in the Church, and neither of them went on missions. They are two of the greatest men I have ever met. My cousin just turned 20, and he didn’t go on a mission. Is he supposed to feel guilty because his debt isn’t paid off because he is getting instead of giving? I’m sorry but that is really rude of you guys to say. And what about women like me who aren’t encouraged at all to go on missions. Is my debt to the Lord never going to be paid off? Am I supposed to feel selfish because I am getting instead of giving? I love this Church, but I think it was mean of you guys to say this. It really hurts people who are close to me. But more than anything it makes me mad.
Name Withheld (via e-mail)

This Same Subject

I want to thank you for the article in the February 2002 issue titled “The Gospel and Romantic Love.” I had been talking with my sister earlier about this same subject. It was amazing to open the New Era and read the answer to my problem. Thank you again for all of the hard work that is put into making the New Era such a wonderful magazine.
Katie Johnson
Dillon, Montana (via e-mail)

More Remote Control

Thanks so much for the article “A Question of Time” in the July 2002 New Era. It really made me start thinking about how much TV I watch. Just recently, I was arguing with my sister over control of the remote. Then I remembered the questions at the beginning of the article, and one came to mind: “Do you like it better than your brother?” And I thought, “Wow. I’m fighting over the TV when I could be gaining more respect and a better relationship with my sister. Instead, I’m pushing her away.” So anyway, I just wanted to say, thank you for the article. It gave me a lot to think about.
Jennifer Schofield
Provo, Utah (via e-mail)
