“Why Eternity?” New Era, Nov. 2003, 51
Why Eternity?
Sloping, arched, and pure,
the spires gently rising—
like arms lifted upward,
forever reaching into the boundless heavens.
I find beauty here and peace—
a sense of both the grace of Eden
and the terrible wonder of Gethsemane.
I love the certainty, the truth,
the spirit—
that unique and separate quietness
soft as the parting
of a thin and threadbare veil.
I love seeing couples on these grounds,
newlyweds and elderly alike,
black suits crisp,
dresses brilliant,
faces radiant as hands join together
in a circular eternal bond.
I will be married here,
someday. …
I dream of starting on this foundation,
a base as firm and solid as
stainless temple granite.
I want the feeling, more than anything—
the knowledge, the joy,
the love,
and the calm assurance
of forever.