We’ve Got Mail
February 2004

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Feb. 2004, 50

We’ve Got Mail

Aspiring Author

I have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for about two years. The New Era has helped me though struggles that I have been having. I want to thank all those who have put a story in the New Era. The stories have really helped me and probably other people. I hope some day I will be able to put a story in, but right now I am just enjoying reading them!
Autee Tweedy, Willow Ward, Wasilla Alaska Stake

A Wonderful Book

I liked the article “Book of Mormon: Read All about It” (Sept. 2003). I was so touched by the Spirit when President Hinckley said, “Read the Book of Mormon itself. Read it again and again. … Pray about it, and the Holy Ghost will bear record to you.” I have just finished reading the Book of Mormon, and I am going to read it again. The Book of Mormon is such a wonderful book.
David Remmington, Tendring Branch, Ipswich England Stake

Choosing the Right Crowd

I loved the article “In Crowd? Out Crowd? Right Crowd!” in the October 2003 New Era. Sometimes I’m tempted to dress certain ways at school, even though most of the people at my school are members of the Church. this article taught me that I need to stand up and be counted as a part of the “right crowd.” Thanks!
Heidi Callister, Mueller Park Third Ward, Bountiful Utah Mueller Park Stake

Story on Journals

I love keeping a journal. And I am always trying to get my friends into the healthy habit of keeping a journal. I have loved the way the New Era has recently been having quite a few articles on keeping journals. I also really loved reading the Q&A about keeping a journal (Sept. 2003). I think it would be really cool if you would do a journal-joggers Idea List to give ideas on what to write about when you can’t think of anything else. Please keep on printing more articles relating to keeping a journal.
Susan Story, Price College Sixth Ward, Price Utah College Stake

He Loves Us

Thank you for the article called “We Are Daughters of Our Heavenly Father, Who Loves Us” (Oct. 2003). Our branch has only four youth, two young women and two young men. It was very nice to hear the stories of those girls who had gone through trials and still know that they are loved by their Heavenly Father. The story helped me understand that my Heavenly Father does love me and will always love me.
Katie Farr, Hervey Bay Branch, Bundaberg Australia District

Befriending Brother

I want to thank you for “What a Brother” (June 2003). It reminds me of my brother and me. We also tease each other all the time. Reading this article helped me understand how much I love my brother, even though we don’t get along all of the time.
Corey Redd, Lolo Ward, Stevensville Montana Stake

Illustrated by Bill Mayer
