What’s in It for You
April 2004

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, Apr. 2004, 49

What’s in It for You

Mutual Activities

  • The next time your ward plans a trip to the temple to perform baptisms, try reading together the article “Baptisms for the Dead: What to Know Before You Go” on page 34.

  • Have a night devoted to creating poster ideas for the New Era. To identify some topics, use the index headings from the back of any December copy of the New Era. Provide paper and markers. Hang all the posters created around the room so everyone can see them. Send the best ideas to New Era, 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84150.

Service Project Suggestion

• To add a service aspect to your next youth trip to the temple, have the youth, who are finished before the others and are waiting, go outside to the temple parking lot and clean the windows of the cars of the temple patrons and workers. Come prepared with window cleaner and squeegees or rags. Make sure the cleaning project is approved by the temple administration and security. The youth could leave notes on the cars whose windows they clean that the window cleaning was courtesy of your ward or stake.

Family Home Evening Idea

• The next time you are asked to take charge of the lesson for family home evening, consider some of the ideas for family home evenings presented in the article “Making Monday Memories” on page 20. In addition, check out the Church’s Web site for additional ideas. Go to www.lds.org, then click on Home and Family. Select Family Home Evening. Next, click on Lesson Topics or Activities for a list of activities or lesson plans.

Sunday Lesson Helps

In addition to the Resource Guides (printed in May and November in the Ensign and Liahona), Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood teachers may find these additional resources helpful in enhancing lessons 14–17.

Young Women Manual 2

Lesson 14 The Blessings of the Temple

Adam C. Olson, “Blessings of the Temple,” this issue, 28.

“Baptisms for the Dead: What to Know Before You Go,” this issue, 34.

Lesson 15 Temple Marriage

Tamara Leatham Bailey, “The Temple-Going Type,” New Era, Apr. 1998, 34.

Spencer W. Kimball, “Live for the Future,” New Era, Nov. 2002, 10.

Lesson 16 Journals

Q&A: “My life isn’t very exciting. … Do I still need to keep a journal?” New Era, Sept. 2003, 16.

Spencer W. Kimball, “The Angels May Quote from It,” New Era, Feb. 2003, 32.

Lesson 17 Keeping Family History Records

Arianne B. Cope, “Saving the Stories,” New Era, Sept. 2003, 38.

Caroline H. Benzley, “The Story of a Lifetime,” New Era, Oct. 2003, 28.

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 2

Lesson 14 Obedience to God

Shane Hamilton, “The Other Side of the Fence,” New Era, Sept. 2003, 34.

Richard L. Evans, “Why All the Rules?” New Era, Nov. 2003, 44.

Lesson 15 Exaltation through Keeping Covenants

Keith B. McMullin, “Are You a Saint?” New Era, Feb. 2003, 38.

Carlos E. Asay, “The Temple: The Place for You,” New Era, Mar. 1997, 4.

Lesson 16 Tithes and Offerings

Q&A: “Do I need to pay a fast offering if I give so little?” New Era, May 2003, 16.

Poster: “Love God with All Your Might,” New Era, July 2003, 19.

Jennifer M. Severino, “10% Tithing=100% Blessings,” New Era, Dec. 2002, 7.

Lesson 17 Patriarchal Blessings

“About Patriarchal Blessings,” New Era, Mar. 2004, 32.

Rachel Murdock, “Worthy of My Blessing?” New Era, Mar. 2004, 36.
