We’ve Got Mail
June 2004

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, June 2004, 50

We’ve Got Mail

Receive My Patriarchal Blessing?

I was reading the March 2004 New Era when I came across an article titled “About Patriarchal Blessings.” Earlier in the month, I had been asking Heavenly Father if I was prepared to receive my patriarchal blessing. I couldn’t wait to see what tribe of Israel I am in and what blessings I could receive in my life. That article helped me to realize that I am not quite ready to receive my patriarchal blessing, but now I know some ways to help me get ready to receive it. It also made it very clear to me that no matter what, Heavenly Father will answer my prayers in some way, whether it be a small feeling or through a magazine article.
Kristina Davis, Santa Clara Second Ward, Eugene Oregon Santa Clara Stake

The Right Path

Thank you for writing “Where Is My Iron Rod?” (Jan. 2004). It really helped me through a trying time because I felt like the person in the story, and it helped me find the right path to take.
Name withheld

A Smile Came

I would like to thank you and tell you how much I enjoyed the story “I Didn’t Want to Die” (Jan. 2004). Just a few weeks before, I was struggling with a problem like the one described in the article. When I opened the magazine, I turned right to the story and felt like I needed to read it. For a few days I read it and studied it, and then I prayed. I poured my heart out, and the next day I felt an answer come. I felt a smile immediately come to my face, and I couldn’t stop smiling. I felt warmth and love, and I knew my worries about this problem were over. I know I can always turn to that article to remember the power of prayer and that Heavenly Father truly does love us. Thank you so much.
Brynn Pehrson, Slate Canyon Third Ward, Provo Utah Stake

Question Answered

Being married with young children, I thought my days of receiving insight from the New Era were over, but I was wrong! The Q&A for March 2004 hit a deep chord with me, especially the opening paragraph and the quote from Elder Bruce R. McConkie. Just days before receiving the issue, I was talking with a woman about what I believe in. No matter how much I could explain the doctrine, she just could not understand. I prayed about more ways I could help her understand, but several times I felt that maybe I should just let this one go. I really struggled with that prompting, but Q&A helped me to understand why I should follow that prompting.
Name withheld

How to Win

I liked the story “Church-Ball Champ” (Feb. 2004). It reminds me that you can be a winner even though you lose the game and that you need to act like a witness of God at all times and in all places. I also liked the story “Monday, Monday” (Feb. 2004) because family home evening should be a priority above all other things. The Extra Smile is a favorite of mine too. Keep printing these great articles.
Chris Rae, Victor Falls Ward, Puyallup Washington Stake

Illustrated by Bill Mayer
