We’ve Got Mail
July 2004

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, July 2004, 50

We’ve Got Mail

Nervous to Do Baptisms

I just turned 12 in March and got to go to the temple to do baptisms for my grandmother, two great-grandmothers, and two great-aunts. It was my first time doing baptisms for the dead, so I was a little nervous. Then I got my April New Era, and it had an article on baptisms for the dead. I also found the same thing happened to another girl. The New Era had exactly what we needed.
Kari Knott, Salida Ward, Modesto California North Stake

Safe at the Temple

I am very thankful for the New Era. It has helped me in so many ways. I am especially grateful for the article “Safe from the Storm” (Apr. 2004). It helped me realize that going to the temple wasn’t just something I was expected to do. I realized that I really do want to go and feel that security and sense of home. We all need wonderful blessings like the temple to guard us from the world.
Selina Adams, Yucaipa Third Ward, Redlands California Stake

Every Day Readers

Thank you for the January 2004 New Era. As a family we wanted to commit this year to reading our scriptures every day. With the page that says “I Have Read My Scriptures Every Day During 2004,” we have been able to accomplish that goal. We have missed only one day this year. Instead of trying to make up for that day, we left it blank to remind us that we do not want any more spaces left open. Everyone was so excited to mark off the days, and now we are so used to reading every day that sometimes we forget to mark off the day. This has helped all of our children, ages 5 to 12. We started receiving the New Era last year when our oldest son turned 12, and we have enjoyed this great magazine. We have also used it for many family home evenings. I love reading it myself. It reminds me how I loved reading it from cover to cover as a teenager.
Tina Chadwick, Highland 16th Ward, Highland Utah West Stake

My Formula for Success

Thank you so much for the article “Search, Pray, Believe” (Jan. 2004) by the Young Men and Young Women general presidencies. It really helps me to understand our 2004 Mutual theme (D&C 90:24). It gave me ideas for my talks and taught me of the blessing and promise that “all things shall work together for your good,” which comes through my obedience. Searching diligently, praying always, and believing in the restored gospel now serves as my formula for my spiritual protection and success. This magazine helps the Latter-day Saints to be their best.
Liezel Panganiban San Juan, Santo Tomas Ward, Lipa Philippines Stake

More Smiles, Please

I am writing to you about the jokes section, The Extra Smile. I like the jokes, but I wish that you had a little more. The rest of the magazine is great.
Elliott Adair, Heber Ninth Ward, Heber City Utah North Stake

Illustrated by Bill Mayer
