undefined undefined Facing Challenges
Facing Challenges
August 2004

“Facing Challenges,” New Era, Aug. 2004, 47

Facing Challenges

The hymn “Come, Come, Ye Saints” (Hymns, no. 30) has a special place in my heart. When the song was first written, it was meant to comfort the pioneer Saints and encourage them to strive to accomplish their seemingly far-fetched goals. Those pioneers were facing new, extremely difficult challenges every day. Yet they had to keep their spirits high and strong.

Today as I sing “Come, Come, Ye Saints,” I feel an overwhelming desire to put my best foot forward and keep pushing until I reach my goals. “And should we die before our journey’s through, Happy day! All is well!” No matter how hard or impossible life may seem, my journey is preparing me for a future of joy. I can only do my best and do it with a smile, trusting the Lord to help me make it all the way back home.

  • Valerie Berry is a member of the Russian Jack Ward, Anchorage Alaska North Stake.

Scandinavian Handcart Pioneers, by Torlief Knaphus, courtesy of Museum of Church History and Art