We’ve Got Mail
August 2004

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Aug. 2004, 50

We’ve Got Mail

A Modest Adjustment

I always look forward to receiving the New Era and the Ensign every month. Lately, I have not been as modest as I should be. I came across an Instant Messages story on modesty (May 2004). Then I read a quote from President Hinckley on the back cover of the Ensign (May 2004). He stated: “A solemn obligation rests on us. … We must live as true followers of the Christ, … teaching by example the ways of the Lord.” It hit me that I should be a better example to my friends by dressing modestly, because I want them to learn to love the Church as much as I do. I am thankful for the New Era and other Church magazines for their help and guidance when I need it most.
Hailey White, Naperville Second Ward, Joliet Illinois Stake

We Stand on Faith

In the June 2004 New Era, I saw a picture of a young man who has no legs. His name is Kacey McCallister. He knows that he is a child of God. My sister also can’t walk. Thank you for writing that story (“Standing on Faith”). It helps me.
Ho Youn Ellision, Rivanna Ward, Waynesboro Virginia Stake

A Natural Selection of Readers’ Responses

Thanks so much for the article “My Answer to Evolution.” On the same day I got the May issue, my friend asked me some of the same questions the author of that article was asked. I always hear about people bearing their testimonies, but when my friend faced me with those questions, I knew what to do. The article helped me understand so much better.
Ashley Henderson, Eastern Avenue Ward, Sacramento California East Stake

I really liked the article “My Answer to Evolution” (May 2004). I was impressed by the way the author handled the situation. This article reminded me of what I had learned at church once. My teacher said to get a testimony now so that when people show you “proof” that evolution really did happen or that God does not exist, then you will know the truth. They will not be able to lead you away from what you know.
Liesl Coyne, North Shores Ward, Bloomfield Hills Michigan Stake

I found the article about evolution and the teen who bore her testimony really good. My biology class has been discussing that topic recently. My teacher says it is a controversial issue and that the evidence is beginning to point more towards “creation by intelligent design.” I also believe this.

He was planning to have a debate on creation vs. evolution. I was supposed to be pro evolution. Knowing the truth of the gospel and being completely against evolution, I was having a hard time finding any worthwhile argument against the very thing I believe in. I hope that more people will come to believe and understand this issue and be able to show that life is created by “intelligent design.”
Alysun Swanson, La Sierra Heights Ward, Jurupa California Stake

Illustrated by Bill Mayer
