Idea List: How to Be a Better Student
November 2004

“Idea List: How to Be a Better Student,” New Era, Nov. 2004, 25

Idea List:

How to Be a Better Student

School, homework, and studying. You probably already know a lot about these three things, but you can always use a few good tips on becoming a better student. Here are some from the youth in the Yokota Military Branch, Honshu Japan Military District, on how to study effectively.

  • Be organized. Write down the dates your assignments are due and when you will have tests on a calendar or other place where you will be reminded often of your deadlines.

  • Turn your homework in on time.

  • Get a good night’s sleep before tests.

  • After you have studied by yourself, studying with a classmate or group can help you better understand hard concepts. Quiz each other.

  • Procrastination is your enemy. Avoid it.

  • Study for a set amount of time each weekday.

  • Take notes in class and from your textbooks on the most important lesson points. You can also make flash cards to remind yourself of key concepts.

  • Use any study guides or hints your teacher has given you.

  • Have a positive attitude. Complaining will only make learning harder.

  • Pray for help. The Lord will help you if you do your part.

  • Exercise. A healthy body will help you be more alert and awake to study.

  • If you’re having trouble understanding something, ask the teacher or one of your parents for help.

  • Read. Even when it’s not an assignment, reading good books will increase your comprehension and vocabulary.

  • Eat breakfast. You’ll need brain food throughout the day.

  • Study somewhere you can concentrate. Loud music or a lot of people around you can be distracting.

  • Find out what kind of learner you are. Some people learn better when they listen, some when they read or see things, and some when they write things down. Discover a study method, or a combination of methods, that works best for your learning style.

Illustrated by Scott Snow
