The Deacons of Coventry
January 2005

“The Deacons of Coventry,” New Era, Jan. 2005, 12

The Deacons of Coventry

The deacons quorum of the Coventry Ward, Coventry England Stake, feel a strong bond of brotherhood, unity, and friendship. Their friendship and togetherness in the quorum are vital to them, especially since the young men and women in their schools don’t share their standards. Their quorum bonds help the deacons stay close to the Lord and His teachings.

“As quorum members,” Josh Taroni says, “we are all on the same level and can really relate to each other. It’s great to be able to talk about Church things together.” Jacob Mytton adds, “School friends don’t understand how important the Church is to us in our lives.”

Josh Reynolds, another deacon in the ward, says, “In our quorum we talk about Church things. It’s nice to be the same and share things together.”

Temple Trips

The service these young men perform for others is an important part of their deacons quorum activities. They especially like to travel the 110 miles (177 km) to the London England Temple to perform baptisms for the dead. Sometimes they are able to act as proxies for ward members’ ancestors.

“It’s so special to go to the temple and give others the chance of accepting the gospel as we’re baptized for them,” says Lewis Reynolds.

Josh also enjoys visiting the temple and says, “I feel that I’m doing something that the Lord has asked me to do, and I can share that with my quorum friends.”

Sacrament Blessings

These young men take their priesthood responsibilities very seriously. When the ward meeting times changed so that sacrament meeting was first, the young men found it difficult to get to church on time to pass the sacrament. With some extra effort, they are now fulfilling their duty well. Their Young Men president, Steve Martin, says, “They have all made a great effort to get here on time so that they can pass the sacrament. They always arrive smartly dressed with a white shirt and tie and pass the sacrament reverently.”

Lewis says, “I know that as we’re passing the sacrament we’re giving the members the chance to repent.”

Anoop Sidhu says, “I feel like I’m representing the Savior when I’m passing the sacrament. It helps me to think of His body and His blood.”

Quorum Brotherhood

These young men just enjoy being together. If one of them is missing from church, the others contact that person. Lewis says, “I would phone them and talk to them.” Jacob says he “would go round to their houses and tell them what they missed.”

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is an important part of the lives of these young men. They are striving to make the right choices and fulfill their responsibilities. Their friendships with each other and with the other young men in the stake help them stay close to the Lord.

Josh Taroni sums up the feelings of the whole quorum when he says, “Since receiving the Aaronic Priesthood, I really want to come to church and enjoy being here with the other quorum members. Being with them has made me stronger. We all talk to and support each other.”

  • Christine Reid is a member of the Solihull Ward, Coventry England Stake.

Photography by Stan Reid

Illustrated by Keith Larson

“I know that we get blessings from doing things for other people.”—Anoop Sidhu

“Going to the temple makes me feel special because it’s the right place to go, and we’re all together as friends.”—Tallis Caughey

Photograph of London England Temple by Mark Henderson
