What’s in It for You
July 2005

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, July 2005, 49

What’s in It for You

Mutual Activity

  • Have a Book of Mormon night. Build some sort of tower (make sure it is sturdy and safe!) or just use ladders. Then have “King Benjamin” come and give part of his famous speech from the first chapters of Mosiah. Have everyone sit on blankets, gathered close enough to hear. Pass out written copies of the selections that are read, just as was done in King Benjamin’s time. Food such as flat bread, cheese, and grapes could fit into the theme as refreshments.

Service Project Suggestion

  • Check out some great articles from the March 1988 New Era. You’ll find service ideas in “Nifty Ways to Serve Your Brother” on page 58 in that issue. Or learn how to hold a service scavenger hunt on page 22 of the same issue. You can read these articles online in the Gospel Library at www.lds.org.

Family Home Evening Ideas

  • After reading “Choose the Right … Media,” on page 37, get together with your family and clean out your videos and DVDs. Discard those that don’t fit with your family goals, and create another stack that you could watch together on special movie nights, especially videos produced by the Church.

  • Read together the article “Penny for Your Prayers,” on page 29. Give each person attending your family home evening a small coin to put in his or her shoe as a reminder to pray. Follow up the next week, and have all report on their experiences with prayer during the week.

Sunday Lesson Helps

In addition to the Resource Guides (printed in May and November in the Ensign and Liahona), Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood teachers may find these additional resources helpful in enhancing lessons 26–30.

Young Women Manual 3

Lesson 26: Repentance

“I Was the 100th Sheep,” New Era, Apr. 2004, 8.

Q&A: “I’ve been through the repentance process, but how do I know if I’ve really been forgiven?” New Era, Feb. 2003, 16.

Lesson 27: Forgiving Ourselves

Boyd K. Packer, “The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness,” New Era, Apr. 2005, 4.

“Can I Be Forgiven?” New Era, Mar. 2000, 8.

Lesson 28: Consecration and Sacrifice

Lynn G. Robbins, “Tithing—A Commandment Even for the Destitute,”Ensign, May 2005, 34.

Amy L. Nielsen, “My Sister’s Surprise,” New Era, Dec. 2004, 38.

Lesson 29: A Change of Heart

Donald McClellan, “What I Was Missing,” New Era, Mar. 2005, 15.

Kristin Bowen, “Change of Heart,” New Era, May 1999, 36.

Lesson 30: Scripture Study

Q&A: “… How can I get more out of my personal scripture study?” New Era, June 2005, 14.

Idea List: “Scripture Study Tips,” New Era, June 2004, 33.

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3

Lesson 26: Blessings of Chastity

John Bytheway, “What Do Kisses Mean?” New Era, Oct. 2004, 38.

Neal A. Maxwell, “Reasons to Stay Pure,” New Era, Mar. 2003, 42.

Lesson 27: The Body Is a Temple

Rand Packer, “Gulp!” New Era, July 2004, 26.

Caroline H. Benzley, “Be Clean,” New Era, July 2002, 12.

Lesson 28: Withstanding Temptation

Keith R. Waters, “Get Me Out of This!” New Era, June 2005, 8.

David E. Sorensen, “You Can’t Pet a Rattlesnake,” New Era, May 2002, 44.

Lesson 29: Sabbath Observance

Q&A: “… Almost all the jobs I am qualified for require Sunday work. What should I do?” New Era, June 2004, 16.

Q&A: “… Should I give up participating so I won’t have to perform on Sunday?” New Era, May 1999, 16.

Lesson 30: An Aaronic Priesthood Holder Cherishes Womanhood

Russell M. Nelson, “Next to the Angels,” New Era, Mar. 2005, 4.
