I Knew It Was True!
December 2005

“I Knew It Was True!” New Era, Dec. 2005, 43

I Knew It Was True!

For the last few years, I have participated in the Oakland Temple Pageant. This play depicts the miracles of the Savior in America and the history and Restoration of the Church. My first year, I sang in the balcony chorus for the last two nights only. I had seen the pageant a few times in previous years but never felt touched the way I did when I sang in it, especially on the first night.

When the person playing Joseph Smith received the plates from Moroni, he sang a song titled “I Would Exhort You” (see Moro. 10:4). Never before have I felt the way I did that night. There was nothing left to wonder. I knew it was true!

Now, on tech crew, I get to stand below him and watch him sing his exhortation. I know he is singing to me and to the audience, testifying that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that the true Church was restored. I can feel it. Nothing matters more than my knowledge of Christ and the truthfulness of the gospel. Joseph Smith restored the gospel to the earth and, by the power of God, received and translated the Book of Mormon. This great Prophet and many of the Saints sacrificed so we could have that knowledge.
