What’s Up?
April 2006

“What’s Up?” New Era, Apr. 2006, 30–31

What’s Up?

“Surely the Resurrection is the center of every Christian’s faith; it is the greatest of all of the miracles performed by the Savior of the world.”
—President Howard W. Hunter (1907–95), “He Is Risen,” Ensign, May 1988, 16.

Miracles of Christ

The Savior performed many miracles during His earthly ministry. Here are only a few of them. Try to match the miracle with its scriptural reference.

1. Jesus walked on water.

A. Luke 17:11–19

2. He healed ten lepers; only one returned to give thanks.

B. John 4:46–53

3. At Nain Jesus raised a widow’s son from the dead.

C. Matt. 8:5–13

4. At Capernaum Jesus healed a centurion’s servant.

D. John 6:1–15

5. He fed 5,000 with five loaves and two fishes.

E. Luke 7:11–17

6. In Galilee He healed the son of a nobleman.

F. Matt. 8:23–27

7. He calmed the storm at the Sea of Galilee.

G. John 11:1–45

8. He healed a man on the Sabbath.

H. John 5:2–16

9. He raised Lazarus from the dead.

I. Matt. 9:18–26

10. A woman was healed when she touched Jesus’s clothing; He also raised Jairus’s daughter.

J. John 6:16–21


In a Word

Resurrection: We are all subject to physical death, which is the separation of the spirit from the body. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all people will be resurrected, which is the reuniting of the spirit with the body in a perfect, immortal state, no longer subject to disease or death (see Alma 11:42–45).

An understanding and testimony of the resurrection can give you hope and perspective as you experience the challenges, trials, and triumphs of life.

Our Savior’s Love

The author of “Our Savior’s Love” (Hymns, no. 113), Edward L. Hart, compares the Savior to the perfect light of the sun. The idea for the hymn came to him when he saw people in clothing or fabric stores taking material outside into the sunlight to test the color under the true source of light. He thought, likewise, the only true test of love is to compare it to the Savior’s love. Crawford Gates, who put Hart’s words to music, suggests reading and pondering the words of this hymn before you sing it. Verse one of the hymn is about the Savior, verse two is about the Holy Ghost, and verse three is about Heavenly Father. The hymn was first published in 1977 in the Ensign magazine.

Easter Morning

To help you focus on this special time of year, consider giving each of your family members a small picture of the Savior as an Easter present. On the back of the picture, write a personal note including your testimony of Christ or one of your favorite scriptures about His Resurrection or Atonement. Here are some suggestions: Luke 22:41–44; John 6:51; John 10:17; John 11:25; Rom. 6:9; 1 Pet. 2:21; 1 Ne. 11:31–33; 2 Ne. 2:7; Mosiah 26:23; Alma 11:42; Morm. 7:5.

  • 1J, 2A, 3E, 4C, 5D, 6B, 7F, 8H, 9G, 10I

Stilling the Storm, by Ted Henninger

Behold My Hands and Feet, by Harry Anderson

Christ Raising the Daughter of Jairus, by Greg Olsen

The Lord Jesus Christ, by Del Parson, photograph by John Luke
