Finding Pluto
May 2006

“Finding Pluto,” New Era, May 2006, 44

Finding Pluto

In 1905, there were eight known planets in our solar system. But astronomers were certain there was a ninth, unnamed planet out there somewhere. Yet no one had ever seen it.

Astronomers could have dismissed the planet as nonexistent because it could not be seen. But based on the evidence they observed in the motion of other planets in our solar system, the planet had to be there.

In 1915, U.S. astronomer Percival Lowell concluded that everything fit harmoniously if the planet was located in a certain place in the sky. He predicted approximately where it would be found. But still, no one had ever seen it. (See Encyclopedia Americana [1995], vol. 22, 260.)

Did science give up because the planet’s existence could not be proven by observation? Not at all. When more powerful telescopes were built in 1930, astronomers were able to gaze at Pluto for the first time.

Faith works in the same way. We find harmony in our lives by studying the scriptures, following the commandments, praying, and living as if God were there. Even though we can’t see Him, we see evidence of Him everywhere (see Alma 30:44).

Of course, the day will come when we will see God (see 3 Ne. 26:4). But until that day, if we exercise faith by obeying His commandments, we will be better prepared to meet Him.

Illustrated by Sam Lawlor
