“Because of the Restoration …” New Era, Dec. 2006, 36–37
Because of the Restoration …
The dictionary says the word restore means to “bring back into existence or … into a former or original state” (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed. [2003], 1063). Many of the biblical prophets promised that in the last days God would restore the gospel one last time before the Savior’s Second Coming. In 1820 God began restoring the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith.
One day I began wondering how the Restoration affects my everyday life. Here’s what the Restoration did for me in just one average week.
Last Sunday my dad gave me a priesthood blessing. Because of the Restoration, I know he has been given the authority to act in the name of Jesus Christ. My dad can bless me whenever I am sick or need extra help.
On Monday I woke up for school and said my prayers. Because of the Restoration, I knew I was praying to a loving Heavenly Father and that I am His daughter, created in His image. I also read from the Book of Mormon. Because of the Restoration, I have another witness that Jesus Christ really lived. That night we had family home evening. Because of the Restoration, I am blessed with loving parents who teach me the truth.
On Tuesday I went to the temple my first time and performed baptisms for the dead. Because of the Restoration, I was able to help those who have died without the gospel to have eternal blessings.
On Wednesday I went to my closet and picked out something modest to wear. Because of the Restoration, I know that my body is sacred and that I need to be a good example to those who see me. I also have the guidance of living prophets and apostles, who have given me For the Strength of Youth, which contains guidelines to help me make righteous choices.
On Thursday I tried my best to live the gospel. Because of the Restoration, I have the gift of the Holy Ghost as my companion to help me always. I also have a bishop and Young Women leaders to watch over me as special advisers. And because of the Restoration, I know about the Atonement so that when I make a mistake I can repent and be forgiven.
On Friday I enjoyed being with my friends. Because of the Restoration, I have friends who also want to live the gospel. These good friends are a big blessing in my life. I also have opportunities to share the gospel with my friends who are not members of the Church.
On Saturday I thought about my brother, Tyler, who is serving a mission in Brazil. I miss him very much, but because of the Restoration, I know what he is doing is right. I want to go on a mission someday too.
Today is Sunday again. Because of the Restoration, I took the sacrament and renewed my promises to follow Jesus Christ. I was reminded that I am a daughter of God and that His plan has been restored so I can one day return home to Him.
Because of the Restoration, I know the scriptures are true. I know that this is the restored Church of Jesus Christ. I know that living prophets are guiding us today. I know that through restored temple ordinances my family can be together forever.
Because of the Restoration, we are blessed every day of the week—and every day of our lives.
Photograph of stained-glass window from the Brigham City Third Ward building by Randall J. Pixton
Photographs by John Luke, Matthew Reier, and Christina Smith, posed by models