“Rich in Spirit,” New Era, Dec. 2006, 27
Idea List:
Rich in Spirit
The Savior said, “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,” not on earth, where “moth and rust doth corrupt” (Matthew 6:19–20). Materialism and selfishness are easy traps to fall into. Here are some ideas from the Clinton Ward, Morristown New Jersey Stake, on how to build up your heavenly treasure and avoid making worldly things too important in your life. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21).
Put the Lord first in all things. When you do, the cares of the world won’t seem as important.
Lose yourself in helping those in need. Your life will mean more if you serve others.
Pay an honest and full tithe, and give a generous fast offering. You can also give to the Church’s humanitarian efforts.
Participate in Church welfare projects or ward and stake service projects when you have the opportunity.
Trade selfish activities for righteous ones. Instead of shopping or listening to music for hours, do your homework, read your scriptures, or make dinner for your family.
Remember that when you die, only the things that really matter go with you—like your testimony and your character. Possessions stay behind.
Keep the commandments. If you have the Spirit with you, it will be easier to resist the temptations of the world.
Sacrifice. Make an effort to give up something you really want, to give someone else something he or she really needs. You’ll feel great.
Eliminate envy. Worldly possessions or good looks may seem to make others happy, but true happiness and peace come only from obedience to God’s commandments.
Stay out of debt. If you need something, save the money you need to buy it before you make your purchase.
Love people instead of things. If your little brother breaks your favorite CD, think about which you love more—your brother or the CD—before you react. Family is eternal, and music gets old quickly.
For a week, give up entertainment such as television, music, movies, and Internet surfing. Instead, enjoy simple beauties that are free, like sunsets, service, and time spent with family and good friends.
If you were making your own list of ideas on this subject, what things would you include? Perhaps you would add things like honoring your father and mother, following the living prophets by listening to and studying conference talks, prayerfully studying the scriptures, or being worthy to enter the temple.
We would love to hear your ideas on this or other subjects for Idea List. Contact us at newera@ldschurch.org.
Photography by Craig Dimond