“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Jan. 2007, 48
We’ve Got Mail
Why Date?
I love the New Era magazine and appreciate its guidance so much. I believe that it is an inspired work that blesses my life and the lives of so many others in a profound way. However, I was disappointed in the first part of the article “Why Date?” (Aug. 2006). The section about respecting young women was beautiful and true, but I was offended at the language used in the section about respecting young men. Words such as “awkwardness,” “immaturity,” and “clumsy” were degrading, and the young men were robbed of their integrity and agency when the article made it seem like we could only uphold our standards and our desires to serve the Lord if the young women were dressing appropriately and encouraging us in that direction. It is my experience that many young men are amazing priesthood holders and strong disciples of Christ, even during their teenage years. There are many young men who are choosing now to be righteous, obedient, and faithful, despite mounting trials and temptations. I appreciated the article, but I wish the young men could receive a little more credit for the strength that we have.
Bob W., Wyoming
Veteran Wisdom
I’m always happy when I get a new issue of the New Era. I especially liked the article on World War II “Torpedoes, Typhoons, and War Stories” (July 2006) because both of my grandpas served in it. This article made me appreciate what they did for me. I also really liked the “Veteran Wisdom” sidebar and copied it down to hang up in my room. I could just hear my grandpa repeating one of the pieces of advice (“get a good education”), which is something my father really stresses, too.
Emma V., Washington
More Than Posters
I like to read the New Era. It helps me to better understand things in the Church. When I was younger all I would read were the cartoons and the New Era poster. Since I started reading the articles I realized that there’s more to it. For instance, the article “Shot Down” (Aug. 2006) taught me how important and powerful prayer can be. I’m thankful for the magazine.
Jon S., Iowa
In Kuwait
I just want you to know how much I love the New Era. I am actually an adult stationed in Kuwait right now, but I have continued to read the New Era, and I order it for our chapel here. I love the cards that are occasionally included in the magazine and I put them out for any of the soldiers who feel so inspired to take one. They disappear fast!
Charleen C., Kuwait
I’d like to thank you so much for the posters that are in every issue of the New Era. They provide a very humorous and spiritual uplift in my day. Many times I cut them out and put them in my scriptures if I’m having a particular problem they address in my life. They have really helped me.
Nicholas R., Ohio
We love hearing from you. Write us at the following address. Please include the names of your ward and stake (or branch and district).
New Era
We’ve Got Mail
50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420
Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA
Or e-mail us at newera@ldschurch.org
Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.