We’ve Got Mail
August 2007

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Aug. 2007, 48

We’ve Got Mail

We love hearing from you. Write us at the following address. Please include the names of your ward and stake (or branch and district).

New Era

We’ve Got Mail

50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420

Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA

Or e-mail us at newera@ldschurch.org

Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.

Past Issues

I read the article “Good Friends” by Elder L. Tom Perry (New Era, Feb. 1993). This article was a good lesson for me. It made me think that I should start making more friends. I’m grateful that Elder Perry used his time to write this for the people who need to learn this lesson. I think everyone should be kind to each other. I know I need to start being nicer.
Jason B., Idaho

Editor’s Note: You can read past issues of the New Era at newera.lds.org by clicking on “Past Issues.”

Road Rash and Repentance

I was touched by the article “Road Rash and Repentance” (Apr. 2007). Sometimes it is hard for me to comprehend God’s love, and this article clarified it for me. What a blessing it is for Brother Richardson to have a father who is patient and loving. Had he said “I told you that you’d get hurt,” a spiritual experience would have been lost. This article helps me remember that as my husband and I show Christlike love to our children, they will be able to believe that the charity Heavenly Father and our Savior extend to them is real. Thank you for this article.
JoLynne D., Pennsylvania

Anyone Laughing?

I was very interested in your article “Is Anyone Laughing” (Feb. 2007) because I have to deal with the hurting jokes that people often say to make others laugh. I now realize these kinds of jokes make others feel uncomfortable. After seeing this article, I am now trying to keep myself from hurting others’ feelings. I know now that if I want to be a true friend to those around me, I need to let people feel comfortable around me. Recently I sent a copy of this article to my friends and family, and I am already noticing a change in how they treat others. Thank you for this article that allows us to realize how much our actions affect others.
Taetem S., Idaho

Encouraged by Article

I really enjoyed reading the article “Cape Town’s Record-Setting Scout” (Apr. 2007). It helped me realize that I can earn my Eagle and my Duty to God award just like Rocco du Plessis. I also want to read the Book of Mormon and gain my own testimony. Thank you for this magazine and especially this article!
Ryan W., Washington


I just wanted to say that because of all the New Eras that I have received, I decided to start making a scrapbook out of all the things that really catch my eye. I just started, and I have a lot of things from just one issue of the magazine. Thank you!
Brittany R., California

Strengthens Testimony

I am thankful for the New Era. I am a 14-year-old boy who kind of likes to read, but when I read the New Era, I learn something new every time. I am thankful for the article “The Body Is Sacred” (Nov. 2006). This is a perfect example of how we should live our lives as teens.
Steven S., Maryland

Illustrated by Scott Greer
