We’ve Got Mail
Sep. 2007

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Sep. 2007, 48

We’ve Got Mail

We love hearing from you. Write us at the following address. Please include the names of your ward and stake (or branch and district).

New Era

We’ve Got Mail

50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420

Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA

Or e-mail us at newera@ldschurch.org

Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.

The Missionary Issue

I have always enjoyed reading the New Era. I especially liked the missionary preparation issue (Mar. 2007). The March issue was a great magazine, and I think I am becoming more and more prepared to serve a mission after reading some of the articles. One article that I really enjoyed reading was “We’ve Got to Find Her” by Elder Bruce C. Hafen. Please continue to write about missionaries and serving missions.
Caleb L., Washington

I appreciated the article “A Day in the Life of a Missionary” in the March 2007 New Era. An entire issue dedicated to those who want to serve a mission helped me to know what I will do when I am ready to serve a mission. I would have liked to know about preparation day and how missionaries spend that day.
Kelton G., Arizona

I would like to thank you for the March 2007 issue. I am grateful to the New Era for helping our young men and women who are deciding whether or not to go on missions. There is no greater call from our Savior than to go and serve a full-time mission.
Elder Raynor B., Kenya Nairobi Mission

Staying Faithful

I really enjoyed the article “Knock Again” (May 2007). Reading it reminds me of just how important it is to stay faithful and endure to the end. You influence people beyond your understanding, even if you think of yourself as just the average teenager. Be very careful and aware of what you do and say. You could change countless lives for good or bad. It is your choice.
Melanie M., Utah

Blessed by Magazine

I would like to thank you for all of the wonderful stories and articles you have in your magazine. The stories and advice have been a great blessing in my life and in my family’s life. I know many people who have been very blessed by the New Era. Sometimes it can be one of the most helpful and inspiring parts of a person’s month. Thanks for all that you do.
Ashley B., Ohio


Thank you for publishing the April 2007 New Era. The words of Elder Henry B. Eyring helped me a lot as I battle with my pride. Truly the Lord works in a mysterious way. You really answered my prayers and gave me comfort.
Carlo P., Philippines

Help in Daily Lives

I think the New Era is great! It is awesome to think it helps teenagers all around the world in their daily lives. I know it helps me every day. Thank you so much for what you do.
Taft H., Utah

Scripture Stories

I read the New Era cover to cover when I receive it. I think that you need to put more scripture stories in the magazine. It will help youth who don’t go to seminary or study the scriptures to start studying them.
Christine E., British Columbia, Canada

Illustrated by Scott Greer
