What’s in It for You
October 2007

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, Oct. 2007, 47

What’s in It for You

Mutual Activity Idea

  • To encourage and recognize the talents of the youth in your ward, hold an informal talent show for Mutual under the guidance of your youth leaders. Ask those who play an instrument to perform briefly for the group. Then expand the idea of your talent show to include demonstrations of sports, cooking, art, dance, theater, or even fun things like magic tricks.

Personal Progress or Duty to God Idea

  • Notice that at the end of each hymn are scripture references. For a month, look up the scripture that goes with each hymn that is sung during Sunday meetings. Select your favorite hymn and memorize the words.

Family Home Evening Idea

  • With your parents’ permission and help, in the family home evening before general conference, prepare to produce your own family’s newspaper on the conference proceedings. Assign different family members to be reporters. Speakers can be divided up ahead of time. Have each reporter take notes on the important points of a talk. Write up a brief summary including a headline. Also include younger siblings by having them draw pictures. Assemble your newspaper on poster board during the family home evening following conference.

Sunday Lesson Helps

In addition to the Resource Guides (printed in the May and November Ensign), Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood teachers may find these additional resources helpful in enhancing lessons 42–45.

Young Women Manual 2

Lesson 42: Gratitude and Appreciation

Michelle Glauser, “Small Blessings,” New Era, Jan. 2006, 43.

Danielle Nye Poulter, “My Gratitude Journal,” New Era, Nov. 2006, 45.

Lesson 43: Wise Use of Leisure Time

Idea List: “Managing Time and Staying Balanced,” New Era, Apr. 2003, 39.

Paul VanDenBerghe, “Michael Knows,” New Era, May 2006, 20.

Lesson 44: Developing Talents

Danielle Nye Poulter, “Shaking Up Shakespeare,” New Era, June 2006, 40.

Heber J. Grant, “Practice Makes Possible,” New Era, Feb. 2004, 36.

Lesson 45: Participating in Cultural Arts

Jade Swartzberg, “Playing a Familiar Tune,” this issue, 24.

Richard M. Romney, “Symphony of One,” New Era, Aug. 2007, 18.

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 2

Lesson 42: Follow the Brethren

Robert Marcum, “The Guide,” New Era, Mar. 1990, 11.

Idea List: “Listen, Learn, Live It,” New Era, Mar. 2006, 41.

Lesson 43: Spiritual Preparation for a Mission

The March 2007 New Era is a special issue on mission preparation.

Q&A (prepare to teach on a mission), New Era, Jan. 2006, 14.

Lesson 44: Preparing Now for Temple Marriage

Shanna Butler, “How to Talk about the Temple,” New Era, Jan. 2006, 44.

The October 2004 New Era is on preparing for a temple marriage.

Lesson 45: Effective Home Teaching

Sedley Parkinson, “Knock Again,” New Era, May 2007, 8.

John L. Haueter, “Junior Companion,” New Era, Jan. 2001, 36.
