What’s in It for You
November 2007

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, Nov. 2007, 47

What’s in It for You

Mutual Activity Idea

  • Have a leaf raking marathon. In preparation, have the youth each bring a rake. Divide them into teams. Arrange in advance with ward members who need the most help that the youth will come and rake their leaves. Funny prizes or awards can be given to the teams that fill the most trash bags with leaves, create the largest pile, have the most fun, etc.

Personal Progress or Duty to God Idea

  • Plan a personal budget. Download a copy of a budget worksheet from www.providentliving.org. Click on Family Finances and then on the new Family Finances pamphlet. (This worksheet was an insert in the September 2007 Ensign.) Keep good records of what you earn, spend, and save for three months.

Family Home Evening Idea

  • Read all you can in Church magazines or online about the new Apostle. Cut out a photo and place it in an accessible place in your home.

Sunday Lesson Helps

In addition to the Resource Guides (printed in the May and November Ensign), Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood teachers may find these additional resources helpful in enhancing lessons 46–50.

Young Women Manual 2

Lesson 46: Financial Responsibility

Kristi Linton, “Money Matters,” New Era, Sept. 2004, 34.

Danielle Nye Poulter, “Taking Credit,” New Era, Aug. 2006, 10.

Donald N. Hester, “Finances and Your Future,” Ensign, Sept. 2007, 40.

Lesson 47: An Uplifting Environment

Clara Smith Webber, “What I Learned as a Corndog,” New Era, July 2006, 24.

Catherine Matthews Pavia, “How I Learned to Be Happy,” New Era, Sept. 2006, 11.

Lesson 48: Communication Skills in Leadership

Larry Hiller, “Me, a Leader?” New Era, May 2003, 28.

Idea List: Charlotte Cachapero, “Teens Leading Teens,” New Era, Jan. 2003, 29.

Lesson 49: Valuing and Encouraging People with Disabilities

Jill B. Adair, “A Girl Called Nine,” New Era, Jan. 2007, 44.

Seth Adam Smith, “No Challenge Too Great,” New Era, Jan. 2004, 48.

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 2

Lesson 46: Avoiding Degrading Media Influences

Idea List: “Choose the Right … Media,” New Era, July 2005, 37.

Arianne B. Cope, “Internet Café,” New Era, Mar. 2005, 34.

Lesson 47: Clean and Appropriate Speech

L. Tom Perry, “Thy Speech Reveals Thee,” New Era, July 2007, 2.

Robert S. Wood, “Is Your Talk Cheap?” New Era, June 2001, 46.

Q&A (swearing), New Era, Mar. 2001, 16.

Lesson 48: Maintaining Righteous Standards

Aaron L. West, “If a Bug Flies into Your Mouth,” New Era, Sept. 2007, 24.

Q&A (rules and agency), New Era, this issue, 14.

Lesson 49: Honesty and Integrity

Robert M. Bogardus, “Did You Cheat?” New Era, July 2007, 6.

Q&A (cheating), New Era, Sept. 2001, 16.

Lesson 50: Valuing and Encouraging People with Disabilities

Lindsey Phillips, “Sprinting to Success,” New Era, this issue, 34.

Sedley Parkinson, “A Name on the List,” New Era, this issue, 30.
