“From Father’s Arms to Mother’s Arms,” New Era, Dec. 2007, 9
In Tune:
From Father’s Arms to Mother’s Arms
1. From Father’s arms to mother’s arms the infant Jesus came.
And with this birth God sent to earth salvation in His name.
Behold the Lamb of God, asleep, within a crib of hay.
God sends His tiny miracle to save the world one day.
2. He wakes, so Mary gently takes her son and holds Him tight.
In mother’s arms He’s safe from harm, from cold, and dark of night.
To faithful shepherds angels sing God’s wondrous news for men.
In haste the shepherds run to see and kneel before the Lamb.
3. One day this tiny child will grow and be the King of Kings;
But now He rests in Mary’s arms while lullabies she sings.
One day this child will bring His sheep back to His Father’s arms;
But now He sleeps, so Mary keeps her baby safe and warm.
Copyright © 1998 by John V. Pearson and Janice Kapp Perry. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home and church use. This notice must be included on each copy made.

Pondering Mary, by Jeffrey Hein