undefined undefined Sunday Lesson Helps
Sunday Lesson Helps
January 2008

“Sunday Lesson Helps,” New Era, Jan. 2008, 47

Sunday Lesson Helps

In addition to the Resource Guides (online at www.lds.org/gospellibrary, in the Shortcuts section), Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood teachers may find these resources helpful in enhancing lessons 1–6.

Young Women Manual 3

Lesson 1: God the Father

What Joseph Taught: “God the Eternal Father,” New Era, Dec. 2007, 10.

Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Grandeur of God,” Ensign, Nov. 2003, 70.

Lesson 2: Coming to Know the Savior

What Joseph Taught: “Jesus Christ, the Redeemer,” this issue, 22.

Ezra Taft Benson, “Five Marks of the Divinity of Jesus Christ,” New Era, Dec. 1980, 44.

Q&A (always remember Christ), New Era, Jan. 2005, 16.

Lesson 3: Living the Gospel Daily

Amelia Stone, “Something Had to Give,” New Era, Aug. 2007, 24.

W. Craig Zwick, “Ponder, Pray, Perform, Persevere,” New Era, May 2007, 40.

Lesson 4: Preparing to Become an Eternal Companion

To the Point (education or marriage), New Era, Sept. 2007, 30.

Special issue on courtship and marriage, New Era, Oct. 2004.

Lesson 5: Creating a Spiritual Environment in the Home

Melody Warnick, “Dear Dad Notes,” New Era, June 2007, 10.

Idea List: “Getting Along,” New Era, Feb. 2007, 9.

Sherrie Mackelprang, “What I Learned from Doing the Dishes,” New Era, June 2007, 30.

Lesson 6: A Woman’s Responsibility to Teach

Shanna Butler, “You’re a Teacher Too,” New Era, Sept. 2006, 44.

Idea List: “Learn to Share,” New Era, Sept. 2006, 7.

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3

Lesson 1: The Godhead

Gordon B. Hinckley, “The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,” New Era, July 2005, 10.

“The Fulness of the Gospel: The Nature of the Godhead,” Ensign, Jan. 2006, 50.

Lesson 2: The Plan of Salvation

John Bytheway, “Three Little Questions,” New Era, July 2006, 30.

“Charting the Plan,” New Era, July 2006, 33.

L. Tom Perry, “The Plan of Salvation,” Ensign, Nov. 2006, 69.

Lesson 3: Sons of the Living God

Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Grandeur of God,” Ensign, Nov. 2003, 70.

Boyd K. Packer, “The Unseen Power of the Aaronic Priesthood,” New Era, May 2007, 2.

Lesson 4: I Have the Ability and Freedom to Choose

Dallin H. Oaks, “Where Will It Lead?” New Era, Aug. 2007, 2.

Q&A (rules versus agency), New Era, Nov. 2007, 14.

R. Conrad Schultz, “Waves of Deception,” New Era, Nov. 2007, 40.

Lesson 5: “How Art Thou Fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer!”

Daniel H. Ludlow, “Moral Free Agency,” New Era, Nov. 1976, 44.

David O. McKay, “The Test of One,” New Era, Aug. 2007, 34.

Aaron L. West, “If a Bug Flies into Your Mouth,” New Era, Sept. 2007, 24.

Lesson 6: The Fall of Adam

Jess L. Christensen, “The Choice That Began Mortality,” Ensign, Jan. 2002, 36.