What’s in It for You
April 2008

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, April 2008, 47

What’s in It for You

Mutual Activity Idea

• Some of the most memorable activities come with opportunities to give service. Look for ways to serve the widows or widowers of your ward or those with special needs. Even such simple things as making cards for special occasions or delivering fruit or cookies are often appreciated. Of course, helping with chores or yard work can be fun to do with a large group.

Personal Progress or Duty to God

• Select a Church book to read together with a parent. Choose a time, such as Sunday afternoon, when you can read aloud together. Discuss what you are learning.

Family Home Evening Idea

• Have a family home evening dedicated to learning good manners. Make a list of situations and have family members act out what they should do to be polite. For example, how do you open a door for someone or help them on or off with their coat? You can set the table with dishes and silverware and teach each other how to use the correct utensil or how to act properly at the table.

Photograph by Christina Smith
