undefined undefined Sunday Lesson Helps
Sunday Lesson Helps
September 2008

“Sunday Lesson Helps,” New Era, Sept. 2008, 47

Sunday Lesson Helps

In addition to the Resource Guides (online at www.lds.org/gospellibrary, in the Shortcuts section), Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood teachers may find these resources helpful in enhancing lessons 38–42.

Young Women Manual 3

Lesson 38: Good Health Habits

Riley M. Lorimer, “Take Care,” New Era, July 2007, 34.

Shanna Ghaznavi, “Rising Above the Blues,” New Era, Apr. 2002, 30.

Janet Thomas, “Eating Disorders: A Deadly State of Mind,” New Era, Feb. 1993, 36.

Lesson 39: Recognizing Our Individual Worth

Sarah Cutler, “I Am Important,” New Era, Apr. 2008, 24.

Angela Hirschi, “My Big Feet,” New Era, Nov. 2006, 24.

Lesson 40: Loving Ourselves and Others

Amanda Diane Tingen, “Sitting with Chris,” New Era, Apr. 2008, 42.

Tricia Hardcastle, “Worth Loving,” New Era, Apr. 2004, 37.

Lesson 41: Being Dependable

Michael Brodeur, “My Attitude Transplant,” this issue, 16.

Annette Larsen Proulx, “I’m Impressed,” New Era, July 1998, 49.

Lesson 42: Preparing for Change

John Bytheway, “Five Scriptures That Will Help You Get through Almost Anything,” this issue, 26.

John H. Groberg, “Choose a Bright Future,” New Era, Sept. 2006, 38.

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3

Lesson 38: The Pure Love of Christ

Kirk Faulkner, “Out of the Mouth of Blake,” New Era, Feb. 2004, 8.

Paula T. Weed, “Getting It Right,” New Era, Feb. 1996, 26

Gordon B. Hinckley, “Forget Yourself and Serve,” New Era, July 2006, 2.

Lesson 39: Feasting on the Words of Christ

Lani Ricks, “One Hundred Questions,” New Era, Sept. 2000, 14.

Jay E. Jensen, “Why We Ask People to Read the Book of Mormon,” New Era, Aug. 2005, 40.

Lesson 40: Doing Missionary Work

Ryan Carr, “The First Latter-day Missionary,” New Era, Sept. 2004, 12.

Alexandre Machado Vasconcelos, “Soccer or Mission?” New Era, June 2007, 18.

Lesson 41: Becoming More like Our Savior

Quentin L. Cook, “Strengthen Faith as You Seek Knowledge,” this issue, 2.

Charity Brunson, “Saving the Bees,” New Era, Nov. 2003, 10.

Lesson 42: Being Humble and Teachable

What Joseph Taught: “Revelation and the Living Prophet,” this issue, 7.

David Wall, “What I Learned as a Cowboy,” New Era, Mar. 2008, 30.