We’ve Got Mail
February 2010

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Feb. 2010, 48

We’ve Got Mail


When I scrolled through the Mormonads online, I noticed one under the subject of materialism. It has a ball and chain, and at the top it says, “Keep Yourself Free” (Feb. 2003). I thought this was a great ad, but it might be even better under the topic of addiction. I’ve tried to explain to my friends many times that abstaining from things like alcohol, drugs, and even coffee keep me free from dependency and addiction. I like all the Mormonads, and I use them for almost every devotional I give in seminary.

Heather M.


Whenever I read the New Era, I feel the Spirit working with me. I really felt it in the October 2009 issue, especially the article “The Joy of Service.” When you serve others, you feel good inside and you know you are doing right.

Paige W.


I really liked the story “Enough!” in the October 2009 issue. I liked that the missionary stood up for the Church and taught the punk kids about it. I also like The Extra Smile. I cut them out and put them in my backpack to read at school.

Nate C.


Thanks for the article “Begin with Prayer” (Oct. 2009). My mom is from Canada, and I often visit there during the summer. My mom and I are the only Church members in our family, and it was cool to read about teens in the Ottawa Ontario Stake. It also gave me some insights into prayer. I needed to strengthen mine, and the article is helping me.

Caitlin M., Oregon


I am so glad that the Young Women general presidency included virtue as a value. When we heard about it, our stake Young Women presidency took our stake on a hike to the top of a nearby mountain. As soon as we reached the top, all of us in all of our wards, with all of the women in our families, waved our flags and shouted “We will return to virtue” three times. After that, we made a promise that we would be virtuous throughout our lives.

Lara H., Utah

Choose the Right

I have just been ordained as a teacher and go to early-morning seminary. A few of us from our youth program attend the same high school. Every day we meet up after seminary and bike to school together. We encourage each other every day to make good choices. When school is over, we all bike home together. I enjoy being around other youth who share my beliefs and hope to one day serve a mission. I know that if I continue to spend time with others who share my beliefs and standards, I will realize this goal. I have a testimony that if you choose your friends wisely, they will encourage you to choose the right.

Darhys S., New Zealand

Lift Your Pack

Thank you for the story “He Will Lift Your Pack” (June 2009). I liked this story because when things get hard, Heavenly Father will help us. Thanks for printing this story. I know Heavenly Father helps everyone, and I’m grateful He helps me.

Harison R.

Illustration by Cynthia Clark
