undefined undefined Some people in my Sunday School class are irreverent. What can I do?
Some people in my Sunday School class are irreverent. What can I do?
September 2010

“Some people in my Sunday School class are irreverent. What can I do?” New Era, Sept. 2010, 33

In my Sunday School class some people are irreverent. I’ve talked to the teacher and to my bishop. What else can I do?

First, set an example for the others in your class. Show interest in what the teacher has prepared. If they see that you want to learn, they may realize that what is being taught has value.

Class members will pay more attention when they are involved, so participate yourself and draw them in by asking and responding to questions that will encourage discussion and deeper thinking about the topic.

Pray to have the Holy Ghost bring a calming and inspiring influence to your class so that all of you can learn from the lesson.

Finally, love and forgive those who cause the distractions. Although you may dislike their behavior, they aren’t likely to change if they feel you are constantly angry or that you’re looking down on them. Instead, pray for them and serve them. When they see that you care about them and are enthusiastic about the lesson, your enthusiasm could spread.