Questions and Answers
October 2010

“Questions and Answers,” New Era, Oct. 2010, 14–15

Questions & Answers

“What does it mean to ‘stand as a witness of God at all times’ (Mosiah 18:9)?”

Standing as a witness of God involves both who we are and what we do. In order to be a witness of the Savior, we must strive to be like Him. This means setting a Christlike example for others through the clothes we wear, the words we speak, the music we listen to, the service we give, and the friends we make.

Take advantage of every opportunity to share your testimony of the gospel with others. Your beliefs may sometimes be questioned or challenged, but you can stand as a witness when you defend your testimony. You can also stand as a witness when you withstand temptation. You can ask Heavenly Father to help you have the courage to stand up for what you believe.

Standing as a witness of God will give you confidence and power because it means you are living as the Savior would have you live. If you are striving to be a witness of God, stand tall and remember that the Lord has promised eternal life to those who faithfully witness of Him (see Mosiah 18:9).

Don’t Be Afraid to Be Different

Standing as a witness of God at all times means to stand up for what you believe in, even when it does not seem like the “cool” thing to do. For example, at school I do not use inappropriate language, and I ask people to stop if they do. One time I made cookies for a boy in my Spanish class because he did not swear for one week. Even though standing up for what I believe in causes me to be different, I am not afraid of being unlike my peers if it means keeping the Lord’s commandments.

Alison G., 17, Texas, USA

Honor Baptismal Covenants

My friends sometimes challenge my spiritual beliefs. Taking the time to explain and defend my beliefs takes courage. When I talk about what I believe in, I always feel the Spirit. I know as I live the gospel through my words and behavior, I am planting seeds for missionary work. I know as I honor the covenants I made at baptism, I am standing as a witness of God at all times and in all places.

Makenzie G., 16, Massachusetts, USA

Follow the Lord’s Example

Being a witness of God is a responsibility that does not refer only to Sundays. It speaks to us of being an example in all places and in every circumstance. My friends and my teachers at school know that I am a member of the Church, and they are always observing my behavior and my answers in everything I say and do. It is an honor and a great responsibility to be a member of the restored Church of Jesus Christ in these latter days. For me, being witnesses of Christ means doing the things that He did and serving others, as He taught us to.

José M., age 16, Monterrey, Mexico

Be Steadfast and Immovable

As members of the Church we have standards and beliefs that may be different from the rest of the world. But we should never feel discouraged or embarrassed about our righteous decisions. We need to be steadfast and immovable and have the courage to follow God’s commandments at all times. Heavenly Father is always with us, comforting us, supporting us, and giving us strength to press forward.

Kelly N., 15, Arizona, USA

Defend Our Testimonies

Knowing that we are witnesses of God is something for which we ought to feel very glad and privileged, since it is a full trust that God has in us, and it is our responsibility to defend our testimonies of God the Father at every moment. Thinking of this helps me a lot as a missionary, to be able to feel more worthy of my calling and to strive from day to day to defend my faith, my testimony of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and the truthfulness of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Elder Levano, 20, Peru Lima East Mission

Choose the Right

To “stand as a witness of God at all times” means to be a Christlike example for others in every situation. You use clean language, show kindness, and keep the Sabbath day holy even if it means you have to sacrifice something or be different from people around you. It also means you choose the right even when no one is watching, like when you use personal time to read the scriptures and pray.

Marisa M., 13, Pennsylvania, USA

Share the Gospel

When you stand as a witness of God at all times, you are, like the scriptures say, standing as a witness of His miracles as well as standing out and living up to your standards. If someone were to ask you what you believe in, you shouldn’t be afraid to tell the truth and talk to him or her about the gospel. If you stand as a witness of God, you will be saved in the last days and have eternal life.

Braiden P., 15, Nevada, USA

Keep High Standards

Standing as a witness of God at all times means that you never lower your standards for any occasion. For example, you should be modest not only at school or church, but at the pool too. It’s a way of living in which you wouldn’t be ashamed of what you’re doing if God were standing right beside you.

Allison F., 16, Utah, USA
