“Christmas Comes Again,” New Era, Dec. 2010, 8–9
In Tune
Christmas Comes Again

1. Christmas day is come again.
Our hearts combine in praise to heav’n.
He came to earth, salvation bringing;
now our voice we raise in grateful singing—
Christmas comes again, Christmas comes again.
2. Christmas day is come again.
He brought eternal hope for men.
To all who will in Him believe,
His righteous offering receive—
Christmas comes again, Christmas comes again.
3. Christmas day is come again,
this sweet Child by His Father giv’n.
In life through Him we all have peace;
from death He offers sweet release—
Christmas comes again, Christmas comes again.
4. Christ will one day come again;
in glory He will then descend.
His love will fill each aching heart;
then fear and pain will all depart—
Christ will come again, Christ will come again.
Copyright © 2010 by Don Staheli and Jim Kasen. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.
Photograph by Matt Reier