Track Your Progress or Your Duty Online
January 2011

“Track Your Progress or Your Duty Online,” New Era, Jan. 2011, 47

Track Your Progress or Your Duty Online

Did you know there are interactive, online versions of Duty to God and Personal Progress? Well, there are.

Personal Progress

Now you can connect to the Personal Progress website and easily track your progress online. The complete booklet is there with experiences and project information listed for each value.

At PersonalProgress.lds.org you can:

  • Work on and complete value projects and value experiences online.

  • Link to the scriptures in each value.

  • Keep your Personal Progress journal online. Only you can view your journal, and you can search your journal for specific content.

  • Submit your project and experience plans online to your parent or leader for approval.

  • Submit your completed work for final approval.

  • Track your progress toward your medallion.

Duty to God

Connect to the Duty to God website, where keeping track of your plans is fast and easy. The complete booklet is there, including all of the learning activities and links to scriptures and other resources.

At DutytoGod.lds.org you can:

  • Enter, view, and update your plans online.

  • Prepare outlines you can use to teach about the doctrines you study.

  • Get ideas to help you make your Duty to God plans.

  • See videos related to Duty to God.

  • Record your thoughts and impressions as you carry out your plans.

  • Link to scriptures and other resources to help you complete learning activities.
