Notes to the Good Girls
September 2011

“Notes to the Good Girls,” New Era, Sept. 2011, YW24

Notes to the Good Girls

“I want to thank you for standing up for your standards, even when it is hard to do so. The world puts a lot of pressure on you, but you stand firm. That is impressive, and I admire you for it.”

“I don’t think young men do enough to recognize your remarkable efforts to stay strong. Perhaps we just don’t know what to say. But we notice and appreciate your strength.”

“I really like to see you at seminary. I really like it when you act like a daughter of God around everyone. I love when you dress appropriately. It makes it so I don’t feel uncomfortable around you. I love seeing you at the temple. It shows me that you care about the gospel.”

“One thing in particular that we are really grateful for is that you dress modestly. It helps us stay strong and raises our respect for you. It is very impressive and we are grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“Your willingness to act, live, and talk the gospel has inspired me to do it as well. Your happiness and glow of joy just make it hard to be sad around you. Thank you for the joy of being in this Church.”

“I’ve seen the way you treat other people, and it inspires me to treat others better. I enjoy being around girls who keep their standards.”

“The young men all look up to you girls because you have righteous standards that will lead to the celestial kingdom. Please continue living righteously so that we young men have something to strive to become.”

“Your faithfulness is a strength to me, even if I don’t openly admit it.”

“Young men of the Church look for the girl who continuously has the Spirit of the Lord in her and is not ashamed to be who she is.”

“You really are exceptional because of all the good things you do and the bad you refrain from doing. I admire the strength you have to stay strong and keep the commandments. How beautiful are the faithful and obedient young women of the Church.”

“I notice when you are with little children, you are just so kind and caring towards them, a future faithful mother of a child of God.”

“I notice that you are kind to people no matter the circumstance.”

“I notice it when girls don’t drop their standards no matter who is around. I also notice it when girls smile.”

“I admire your example of living the commandments. I hope you will keep it up because we are here for you. We love your moral strength, your faith, and your chastity.”

“I love it when girls are modest and smile. It actually helps me act more like myself. I love it when girls look at the positive side and make the best out of the situation.”
