“Notes to the Good Guys,” New Era, Sept. 2011
Notes to the Good Guys
“You have no idea how much I admire it when you don’t laugh at inappropriate jokes. It inspires me even more when you encourage others to follow your example!”
“I notice it when you are kind to others and when you don’t join in with the boys who are being mean and making inappropriate comments.”
“I really notice when you are respectful and kind to your mothers and sisters. I like to see you take pride in your education and figuring out what you want in the future. I like it when young men talk about their mission and are excited to serve the Lord and bring others unto Christ.”
“It’s inspiring to me to see that you hold your priesthood and that you choose to exercise it. You will be honored by your children and wife. I like it when you walk out of a movie or change the radio station if a bad song is on. It helps me to strive to be like Christ.”
“The young women are looking for guys like you. You’re the first people we’re going to date when we turn 16.”
“I know you are wise and meek because you read your scriptures and carry them around. I know you have a testimony because you are willing to share it.”
“When I watch a young man say no to a bad temptation, it’s the best feeling ever. You know those who have enough courage to say no are those worth getting to know.”
“The young women in the Church appreciate that you are willing to stand up for their standards as well as your own.”
“It’s inspiring when young men pass the sacrament with smiles on their faces.”
“Boys who keep the standards, treat girls with respect, and uphold their Aaronic Priesthood are the ones most young women look for. Plus they’re the most handsome.”
“I love it when boys share their testimonies. I love guys who admire Joseph Smith. I love guys who dress properly and modestly and serve without complaining.”
“All those little things like being modest and clean in their language and actions really show that those boys love their Heavenly Father and put Him first!”
“It is inspiring when a guy stands up to his friends when they are doing or saying something offensive or immoral.”
“We sisters truly want only young men who stand up for what they believe in and respect the gospel. It’s something that overpowers looks.”
“You come to church every week, but most of the time you’re the only young man in Sunday School. You’re quiet, but you pay attention and participate. You’re nice, and I’ve never seen you angry. I like that about you.”
“You represent the stripling warriors of Helaman in our age. You are not asked to fight against physical enemies but to be admirable in a world where darkness prevails.”