We’ve Got Mail
December 2011

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Dec. 2011, 40

We’ve Got Mail

Helping Each Other

When I read the article “Helping Each Other in India” (July 2011), I thought about the humanitarian room at Deseret Industries. Every month for the past two years, I go there to help out. The work I do at the humanitarian room makes me happy, just like those who serve in India.

Justin B., California, USA

Put Your Helmet On

I really enjoyed the “Put Your Helmet On” article in the June 2011 New Era. It shows how very important it is to listen to the Holy Ghost. It could mean the difference between life and death in a very real way, both spiritually and physically. The Holy Ghost is a great guide for our lives when we will listen and heed the promptings.

Elijah D., Colorado, USA

I Like Cake

I was intrigued by the article entitled “The Worst Cake Ever” in the May 2011 New Era. It looked interesting because it had cake in it, and I like cake. I also wanted to learn what the lesson of the story was. I liked it because it taught me a valuable lesson: if we do dangerous things in our lives like drugs, alcohol, or immorality, it will change our lives until we repent.

Dalton S., Arizona, USA
