He Heard Me
February 2012

“He Heard Me,” New Era, Feb. 2012, 46

He Heard Me

Charly T., Utah, USA

I have to admit, summer came as a much-anticipated relief for me this year. I don’t hate school. In fact, I usually love school. But my sophomore year of high school was harder than I’d ever imagined.

The homework load grew and grew all year. The classes were hard, and all of the extra activities that come with high school were making it difficult for me to find time for everything. It stressed me out, and I was always busy. I felt like I never had time to have fun anymore or to see my friends. I felt lonely and depressed.

One night, I got home from babysitting, and I felt overwhelmed. I couldn’t stop crying. I pulled out my patriarchal blessing. As I read through it, a phrase caught my eye over and over. My blessing promised me that I would be blessed with peace in my heart as I went through hard times.

Before I could stop myself, the thought entered my mind, “Then how come I don’t feel peace right now?” Immediately the answer came: “Why haven’t you asked for it?”

I knelt down and prayed, pouring my heart out like I’d never done before. As I knelt there before my Father in Heaven, I felt the peace that He had promised swell in my heart. I felt love and peace and hope, and I knew that I could never be alone because He would always be there. He understands perfectly, and I can always turn to Him.

Even though the problems didn’t just go away, my life did get better. I felt more in control and never without help or misunderstood.
