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Lessons from Duty to God
February 2012

“Lessons from Duty to God,” New Era, Feb. 2012, 45

Lessons from Duty to God

Gieran V., Sydney, Australia

Fulfilling My Duty to God has helped me in many ways. Through the guidelines of “Learn, Act, Share,” we learn what we need to do and what will help us, and we act upon that and share what we’ve done with our parents. It’s helped me with scripture study, daily prayer, and many other things related to understanding the doctrine and serving others.

I’ve learned that if I have a question in my mind when I read the scriptures, I will often find an answer to that question while I’m reading. Heavenly Father will help us find the answer by the Holy Ghost as we read the scriptures.

He also answers prayers in other ways. One time we were traveling and lost a ticket for the car park. We were trying to find a manager so we could get out, and I prayed silently that we would be able to find someone and that we would be OK. We did find a manager, and everything was OK. I know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers.