undefined undefined Walk to Zion
Walk to Zion
February 2012

“Walk to Zion,” New Era, Feb. 2012, 40

Walk to Zion

Inspired by Sister Elaine S. Dalton’s talk “Guardians of Virtue” from the general Young Women meeting last year (see Ensign, May 2011, 121–24), youth of the Eastern Cape province in South Africa decided to carry out a similar activity to demonstrate their commitment to “lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better” (D&C 25:10). On a windy morning 45 youth and leaders met outside a dance club, symbolizing the world and its values, and walked 22.6 km (14 miles) to the chapel, symbolizing Zion and their commitment to the Lord and His standards.

These young men and women happily marched their way up and down hills, across highways and the town. The youth relied on each other to keep walking despite fatigue and aching muscles. They sang songs, talked about their challenges, and even held onto each other as they crossed roads and climbed steep hills.

“This is very exhausting,” said Zukhanye M., a Laurel, during the walk. “But it is very enjoyable as it helps us bond with our fellow brothers and sisters. This has definitely taught me to try exercise more!”

Whilst their goal was achieved to walk to Zion symbolically, the ultimate goal is to all hold firm to the gospel standards and obtain exaltation, not alone, but together as a ward family.

Photographs by Lauren Wainwright