Great Shot
March 2012

“Great Shot,” New Era, Mar. 2012, 44–45

Great Shot

Makenzie S., Utah, USA

With 10 seconds left on the clock, Skylar, playing for the Panthers basketball team, dribbled the basketball and shot a two-point buzzer shot. The crowd went wild as both schools cheered for Skylar. The final score was Panthers 69 and High Flyers 75.

Skylar is in the special-education class at my high school and has always loved basketball. I first met him in one of my seminary classes, and I have always admired him.

Skylar joined the basketball team, and in one game against our rival team, he was put in for the last few seconds. Ever since our high school was built, we have been rivals with the High Flyers, but as the ball landed in Skylar’s hands, every member from the opposing basketball team backed off and let him take the shot.

The ball flew through the air, and swish! Skylar made the last shot of the game. Both schools rose to their feet and cheered for Skylar. It was amazing how both schools came together to applaud his effort even though his team didn’t win.

We all have our different trials and obstacles that hold us back, and we all need people to support us and cheer us on. Matthew 25:40 says, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

If we are willing to look past the differences of others as the crowd did for Skylar, we can start to see each other as the Savior sees us.

“Jesus walked away from none. He gave his love to ev’ryone. So I will! I will!” (“I’ll Walk with You,” Children’s Songbook, 141).
