Sharing with My Family
April 2012

“Sharing with My Family,” New Era, Apr. 2012, 47

Sharing with My Family

Mahandrisoa R., Madagascar

When I started reading the Fulfilling My Duty to God booklet, I felt that many duties were waiting for me. Although I only recently decided to read, apply, and share what is written in this booklet, it has already influenced my spirituality. Using Duty to God helps me grow and become a little better. Before using this booklet, I had never taught or testified of the gospel to my family. After reading and applying what was written in the booklet, I started finding opportunities to teach and testify to my family.

I also made up my mind to attend all of my seminary classes this year. I have been strengthened, and I have made a goal to do the steps in Duty to God. I am grateful to Heavenly Father that I am a member of the Church. I know that the prophet, who leads the Church, helps young men draw closer to God through this priesthood service. Fulfilling My Duty to God has been a blessing to my family and me.
