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We’ve Got Mail
April 2012

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Apr. 2012, 45

We’ve Got Mail

Line upon Line

My Personal Progress value project for Knowledge is collecting each of the “Line upon Line” articles in the New Era and putting them into a binder in order of books of scripture. Reading these articles helps me to better understand the scriptures. I especially like the ones that pertain to scripture mastery, and I would love to see you print them more often.

Morgan S., California, USA

White Dresses

When I read “It Started with a Friend” (Nov. 2011), Jenna’s words that “I have never felt so beautiful in my life as I did in my white dress” at her baptism, I remembered having the same feeling when I first went to the temple. That feeling and memory return whenever I attend.

Jill W., Utah, USA

From Youth.lds.org: Preparing the Sacrament

This article touched me in many ways (see “How to Prepare for the Sacrament” at lds.org/go/427). Being that I just turned 14 and had my first opportunity last Sunday to prepare the sacrament has made a big difference to me. We try to encourage each other to talk reverently and talk about Church-related things. We dress our best to show that we try to be modest.

Corbin Mark O., Texas