“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, July 2012, 45
We’ve Got Mail
A Shining Example
Reading “Be a Shining Example” (Jan. 2012) helped me appreciate the blessings I get from doing my callings and living worthily. It made me notice all the times people ask me why I am happy all the time even though I don’t have the “cool” things.
Sage I., 15, Utah, USA
Heavenly Father Cares (from youth.lds.org)
I had been having trouble [one] night and had a long talk with Heavenly Father. The next day I heard this talk [see “You Are Not Forgotten” at lds.org/go/72E], and it confirmed that I knew that Heavenly Father cared and always had an answer to my prayers.
Kyrie Elizabeth G., 16, Utah, USA